

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


What a week! Our fabulous year 6 have produced some amazing work, despite battling coughs and colds. I am super proud of your resilience! 

In English, we have created double page spreads all about the World Cup tournament(and found out lots of interesting facts!) We are following the competition with avid enthisiasm. Following that we have started a more formal piece of writing linked to our science topic. Our explanation texts on the circulatory system will inform others in our school about the process.  Our exciting science topic will continue next week! We have continued to calculate fractions, using our earlier understanding of BIDMAS to answer tricky calculations. Our number sense is growing and confidence is increasing!

We finished the week with the Christmas Fayre (run by our fabulous FOW team) and many of our year 6's volunteered to run stalls and help set up. You are a credit to the school guys!

Have a fab weekend and hope you all come back Monday fighting fit!

Mrs F
