

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

History day & Home Learning 14.5.21

What an absolutely brilliant day we've had!!!

I don't know about you but I have LOVED learning about significant nurses throughout history and how they made a huge impact on nursing today. What was your favourite part of the day? I would like you to draw a picture and write a sentence explaining what it is you enjoyed the most!
- Capital letter
- Full stop
- Finger spaces
- Neat handwriting
- Use your phonics to sound out tricky words

In addition to this I'd like you to spend some time over the next week reading and writing your tricky words. Are there any you find particularly difficult to read or spell? Perhaps you could make this into a poster or bookmark so that you can test yourself daily. We are going to be doing some phonics checks next week so this would be a great help!

Don't forget, our writing competition closes on the 24th May if you would like to take part in that. Information can be found on the stream. As always, keep reading and practising your spellings. This next week's spellings are under the 'Week 6' heading. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Kemal
