

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Remote learning

Good morning Year 6

I cannot wait to see you all online tomorrow and update you on our plan for the next couple of weeks. Remember to be online by 930am! I'll be on from around 9/915am

Today I would like you to work through the tasks attached here to ease yourself in.

Maths task – please read through the PPT and answer the questions as you go. Then look at the chillis, complete one that you feel comfortable with and submit. this is consolidation of previous learning.  Any questions please send me a message ☺

English task – We will be focusing on a poem for the next couple of weeks. Firstly complete the grammar starter and submit. Next read the PPT and follow the instructions.  Again, message me with any queries.

Please read for WCR today and write a short paragraph about what you have read – draw a picture/tell me about the characters


After lunch, I would love to find out more about you and how you work. Please draw around your hands. In the fingers of one hand, tell me all of the things that you enjoy/most proud of and in the   other write all your dreams for Year 6. Don’t forget to decorate them and post to GC!

I have also added in the PSHE art if you are able to find a stone :)

I cannot wait to see you all online at 9:30am tomorrow morning. The link will be on here ready for you all.

Have a fabulous day!

