Wow another week has just flown by! I cannot believe it's almost October!
Although another class won the BB cup this week, you have impressed me (and other members of staff) with your behaviour around the school. You are proving to be fantastic role models for the younger children. Now we need to work on less fussing during lessons to maximise our learning time :-)
This week we recorded our Viking songs (which were amazing!) and added a background to them. Next week you will have a play around with the app to add voice overs and speech bubbles!
We also focused on internet safety. Thank you to those who came to the meeting on Monday at Grovewood and I hope you found it useful. On Friday the local police came in to discuss how we can keep safe online and about cyber images. Although the children were all aware of privacy settings etc, they all learnt something new and I hope it will impact any future actions online.
The homework was given out in your folders on Friday and is due this Friday 6th October.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Monday - refreshed, focused and ready to learn :-)