

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning - 20.1.23

Home Learning for this week is:

1. Spellings for this week are attached.

Put them into sentences using conjunctions - or, but, so, if, because, when, that, although, however.
Can you write sentences as a list using commas in between each words eg. At the weekend I visited the colourful and inspiring garden centre, with its red, green, blue and flourishing flowers. These made me feel excited yet calm as the flowers were beginning to grow.

2. Learn your 6 times tables. We have been working on this in class, how quickly can you learn them?
Can you play x6 games on Hit the Button ( or Times Table Rockstars.
I have also attached a x6 sheet if you would like to complete this too.

Challenge: Can you work on your x2, 3, 5, 10 and x6 tables at speed. How quickly can you do this and how many questions can you get right?
Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Clark
