

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 2 - 9th September 2024

Well done Class 2 for being superstars this week!

You have all worked so hard on your counting, times tables, handwriting, reading, writing and so much more.

This week we have been learning to partition numbers into tens and ones in Maths, recapping counting in our 2's, writing down and making our 2 times tables.

In English we have written some poems based on the text Rumble in the Jungle, what amazing descriptions you wrote to describe the animals.

In Science we have continued our theme on materials, where we have learnt to describe them using words such as: bendy, opaque, transparent, waterproof...

This is just a snapshot of some of the amazing learning we have been doing!

Super resilience seen by all Class 2, keep the brilliance shining.
