How are children’s positive mental health encouraged?
Zone of Regulation in each classroom. Children can talk about their emotions throughout the day and explain how they are feeling relating to colours. If a child is particular worried or anxious, then there is a space in each class they can visit, play with sensory toys and relax before starting to learn.
Mental Health Week -Certified by Place2B. Assemblies / activities developed with teachers. Activities targeted to support children's mental wellbeing including an exciting art day.
We teamed up with Active Essex, A route was mapped out for the children to "Walk and Talk." for 3 miles. Children have talking cards as a point of discussion.
Power of Thoughts Day - we teamed up with Natalie Costa, a wellbeing guru who taught the children how to make and set their own boundaries. The children were able to discuss what they found difficult and how they can overcome these situations.
Class Buddies - Children given the opportunity to write their worries or positives and put in their class worry buddy. This was a strategy designed and promoted by our very own the school governors. This helps children talk about their worries. A worry shared is a worry halved.
A learning mentor has been appointed for any children who need a chat. Mrs Clark mentors and supports children, parents and teachers four mornings a week.
“Sensory Circuit” is set up every morning for any children that need time to reflect and focus before they start their school day.
Feel Good Friday - Children are given the opportunity to dance, with music on the playground every Friday morning. Research has shown that music and dancing can support a positive mental health.
Playtime Leaders at Lunchtime. Children wear "Green Hats" are support any children during lunchtime. They can help with finding friends, playing games or even helping cutting up their food.
Lunchtimes can be a difficult time for lots of children. Wyburns have appointed a Mentor exclusively for lunchtimes. Mrs Beale supports children's well- being during lunchtimes. Behaviour is monitored and supported with structures games in place.
Healthy Foods are encouraged - Children have international food dinner days. This helps promote the love of healthy foods.
Positive Pat – if anyone has made you feel positive about yourself. Tell Positive Pat, these will be shared in brilliance assembly. If positive pat receives 500 notes by December, the whole school will be rewarded with a smile day.
Resilience is taught across all the curriculum. We will face challenges, we will have difficulties but we will combat these challenges positively.
All children’s abilities are celebrated each week during our brilliance assembly. Wyburns is known for recognising every child’s individual talent. Whether this maybe something they complete at home, their academic ability or a talent. Wyburns Got Talent is an event that happens every year to celebrate different talents. Let our brilliance shine.
Lacking in confidence? We hold termly “leadership activities.” E.G A group of children visited a nursing home. Another group of children leads our 'miles of smiles' session with nursery children. They will help children age 3 create a beautiful piece of arts work.
Children are consistently reminded the importance of being healthy. A healthy lunch is served each day. P.E co ordinates plan and teach our P.E lessons. A wide range of after school clubs are provided to help children stay healthy. It is a known fact that being healthy and exercising regularly can help children’s mental health.