

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Latest - Class 2 Photos March 2020

16-20th March

Class 2 have been working hard this week to investigate measurement where they have used rulers, metre sticks, trundle wheels and much more measuring equipment. In English we have edited and improved our Snozzcumber recipes, described how we'd feel if we were the BFG and much more. PE has been great fun! The class have been refining their gymnastic skills and using different pathways to travel in and around the equipment. Other areas covered this week include; understanding the importance of staying healthy by making healthy choices, learning more about the religion of Islam and how they celebrate Eid, using our artistic and musical skills to create pieces of art and music. There are some great photos in the slide show for you to see them in action, be sure to take a look. We are all working hard to be the best that we can be, well done Class 2!

9-13th March

What a busy week we've had. It all begun with Science day where Acorns, Class 1 and 2 split up to participate in a range of activities. These included: visiting the Wildlife area to hunt for bugs, Camouflaging animals activity, Science poster competition and creating pictograms with living/non living things. We had a great yet muddy morning and fun was had by all!


Class 2 enjoyed their gymnastic lesson where we used a range of equipment to create pathways around the hall, bars, swings and ropes. In English we have made BFG potions, described them and created our own. Our Maths lessons have continued our understanding of fractions to find 1/3,1/4 and 3/4 in word problems. We're preparing for the Music festival which is making good progress. The children have learnt the songs and we're now refining the actions to match our songs and accompanying piece.  What a busy week we've had. Keep up the great work and enthusiasm Class 2!

2- 6th March 2020

Class 2 have been working hard to understand the life cycle of animals and plants, how to partition numbers using the part, part, part, whole method, creating poems linked to the BFG, moving over and under in gymnastics and much more.  Here are some photos to show you what this looks like in our classroom. Well done Class 2!
