October Half Term -
What a lovely, first term we have had together. Roll on next term.
Your home learning will be your spelling, a sumdog task and one optional art task from the list below. You do not have to complete the art task, or you might choose to do one or all of them, it’s up to you. The art activities are here if you want something to do over the half term, but I would love to see them if you complete one.
Mythical Creature Masks
Materials: Cardboard, scissors, markers, string, glue
Activity: Greek creatures (like the Minotaur, Medusa, or centaurs). Can you create masks of your favourite mythical creatures using cardboard and decorate them with colours and textures?
Mosaic Art
Materials: Colored paper, scissors, glue, cardstock
Activity: Mosaics found in Ancient Greek homes. You can cut coloured paper into small squares or shapes and create your own mosaic designs on the card. You can also use paper and draw small square and colour your squares to your design.
Storytelling Scrolls
Materials: Brown paper (or paper bags), markers, string
Activity: Storytelling in Ancient Greece, especially with myths and legends. Just like your previous stories. You can create your own scrolls by decorating brown, or white paper and colour it in.
Have a lovely half-term.