

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 1st March 2018

Snow Days - Home Learning


Image result for snowman


I am sure you have all been enjoying fun in the snow over the last couple of days. We are sorry that the school has been closed but it is important that we keep you safe. Hopefully we will all be back on Monday. To keep you busy, I would like you to have a go at writing a sentence or short story about the snowman above. He is a magical snowman and he comes to life at night time. Tell me a story about the adventures that he goes on!! You can also draw pictures to go with your story.


100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge

Today is World Book Day and the 100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge starts today! Remember to read for as many minutes as you can in a day and record it on your bookmark. Please bring these bookmarks in every day from Friday 2nd March – Friday 9th March we can record how many minutes you have all read! We look forward to seeing which class will have the most minutes in the school!


Reading Challenge - Hang on to your World Book Day outfits, as  we will reschedule this day soon. Our reading challenge has begun however, so please keep a note of how many minutes you have read each day and let me know on Monday. Unfortunately your bookmarks are at school, so you can keep a note of how many minutes you read each day in your reading record or print off your own bookmark by clicking on the link below.
