A super busy first week back Class 2 and as always you have been bursting with brilliance!
We have been working on adding and subtracting in Maths, you have solved lots of calculations and word problems with great resilience, well done!
In English we have created Christmas acrostic poems for our competition. Wow they had so many wonderful ideas and you wrote them up so neatly!
In Geography we have explored the weather, what it is like linked to seasons, why this and what effects it. We then looked in atlases at where we live and discovered where the equator was. We labelled a map with hot and cold places in the world and discussed what could live there including polar bears, camels and much more! These lessons were very interesting and full of wonderful discussions.
I look forward to seeing you all next week for some more fun learning!
Your home learning this week is:
- Learn the 10 spellings and put them into sentences. Learn as many as you can.
We will do a spelling quiz on this in class next Friday.
Activity - We have been adding and subtracting this week. See if you can answer the maths sheet attached, try one sheet or both if you are confident to. Remember to add the ones first then the tens
e.g 15 + 11 = (5 ones and 1 one = 6 ones) 5 + 1=6
(2 tens) 10 + 10 = 20
(Next add the tens and ones) 20 + 6 = 26.
Challenging - Can you write me a worded addition question?
Mrs Clark