Our penultimate week of term has been a really busy one!
We have sung, danced and prepped for WGT! We cannot wait to showcase all our talents. Just wish we had more that one day!
The children that represented Wyburns at cross country were fabuolus! They showed resilience and determination in the face of very windy weather! We are so proud of you all.
Our home learning for this week takes you into the holidays as it is the three maths papers. Please complete and return the first week back. In class this week we have been looking at Newspaper reports and I look forward to sharing them with you all. They have been able to apply the correct formality and style :)
Next week we have our partnership meetings in school. Please book on if you haven't already.
Next week we will look at some more Sats papers to really get a feel for the areas we want to focus on, when we return after Easter.
Have a fabulous weekend all :)
After SATs we will have our final residential meeting. Details to follow :)