

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 24.03.23

Home Learning


After the week we have had working our brains on designing (Art), measuring (Maths), sawing (D.T) connecting our motors and making circuits (Science) and writing a summary (English) I need to sleep!  Look at how many subject lessons were involved in our car building.


Wow, your newsletters have blown me away this week and well done to everyone who turned them in online or brought them in. 


This week our home learning will be a sumdog task for maths or a beat your time - timetables square if you cannot get online. 


Spellings are below.


Bring on next week - Monday/Tuesday Race Day and finishing our week with Wyburns Got Talent final. 


Have a lovely weekend.

