

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning - 19.1.24

Your home learning this week is:
- Learn the 10 spellings and put them into sentences. Learn as many as you can.
We will do a spelling quiz on this in class next Friday.

Activity 1- Complete the spelling activity sheet - adding 'ed' - you can write this on paper.
Challenge: Put them into sentences.
REMEMBER: Your handwriting needs to be super neat with the letters correctly joined together, like we have been learning in class.

Activity 2 - Verbally count in 3's up to 36. Can you recite these in order? How quickly can you do it?
Challenge: Verbally practise your x3 times tables e.g. 2x3=6 etc
