What have we been up to?
This week we have started writing our stories, linked to Ancient Greece. We have a start, middle, end and a super, exciting plot twist. When finished, we will be reading these to class 1. How exciting!
In Art, we searched our school for 3d structures and gathered ideas on how to make 3D structures support themselves. This will help us, in the upcoming weeks, when we start to make our 3D creature or hero out of clay.
Home Learning
This week is the Harvest festival. Using our new research skills on Kiddle.com, can you find out what country the following fruit and vegetables come from? Bananas, avocado, pineapple, potato, grapes and apples. Can you find any more?
Be careful! Some have different varieties and come from different countries.
Well done with your 7 times tables. We are going to continue our focus on our 7 times tables, but we are recapping our 2s and 3s as well.
Spellings are below.