What a fabulous week! I cannot believe how fast it has gone - so fast, I haven't taken any photos this week!
We are settling into our classroom really well and are getting used to the new routines and timings that come with the new school year.
This week we have seen some amazingly resilient and brave children who told their peers why they should be considered for the roles in school. All of you were incredible and I know it will be tough making those decisions for the children tomorrow! I am incredibly proud of all our candidates. All of you are worthy of the positions!
In other news, we started our Space topic this week and will be looking in more detail at the wider solar system. I am looking forward to showcasing our knowledge!
In Maths we started to look at Place Value and discussed the importance of knowing our times tables. The children are going to work on their 7's as a starting point.
Our English this week has focused on generating vocabulary for writing poetry. Once complete, I will share some here.
Home learning is on here and Google Classroom (which is now live again!). Please complete by next Friday.
See you all in the morning
Mrs F