What a fabulous first week back! Great to see so many of you at the early morning sessions too! Well done guys!
We have been experimenting this week and discovering properties of materials and changes in them . We enjoyed the irreversible changes that were caused by a chemical reaction too! Throughout the week we have looked at how different materials separate and have discussed density and saturation. Fabulous investigating!
In maths we have continued to learn about algebraic equations and are fabulous at substituting and calculate 2 step equations!
Our English lessons took a sinister turn as we attempted to build suspense and tension in how writing. The book we are using as a stimulus is Room13 - a must read!
Our amazing netballers once again showed their resilience and determination in their match. I am so impressed with your positive attitudes!
I am looking forward to next week already! Don't forget WBD is on Thursday 3rd March and you can wear an accessory/ outfit if you would like to. It is our PE day so please come to school in PE kit and bring your outfit/accessory with you.
Mrs F