

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 5

Another busy week Class 6! Another week showing how amazingly you are presenting yourselves around the school. I'm so proud of you all for continually showing that you are being the best that you can be. The BB cup resides once more in year 6! :-)


We've been getting to grips with factors and multiplication this week. Some children have asked for additional practise at lunch times too - taking responsibility for their learning!


I'm not quite sure where the time is going but, we are racing towards half term! Over half term I'll add some optional  SATS revision bits based on what we have learnt so far.


Don't forget to keep going on Sumdog (competition time again!) You can also go on at home using your school log in.


Homework this week was given to the children in their folders.


See you all Monday :-)


