

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home learning

    Maths Homework    

The children have maths homework this week which includes calculating the perimeter of a shape and a maths investigation.  This homework is due back to school on Friday 17th July.

Songs to learn for assembly


    Reading Comprehension homework   

The children are completing a reading comprehension as homework this week.

This is due back in school on Friday 10th July.


Newspaper reports

This week we will be learning how to write a newspaper report. Below is a link to a game that will help you to remember newspaper text features. 

Maths Homework   

Children will be given their maths fraction homework on Friday 26th June.

This will be due back to school on Friday 3rd July

Science Homework 

Due back to school Thursday 11th June


In Science we are looking at nutrition and learning about the types of nutrients in food

e.g. Protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, vitamins, fibre and water, and what we need these  nutrients for. The children are comparing what we eat and what animals eat so they have been asked to collect or copy the nutrition panels from human food and pet food and bring them into school.

    Home Learning Project    

The children have been given a home learning project about Fairtrade to complete over the holidays. This work is due back to school on Friday 5th June. A copy  of the homework can be viewed or printed from the link below.

        Maths homework   

This week the children have been learning about measuring capacity of different containers and reading different scales. They have also been converting between litres and millilitres and some children have also been converting centilitres too.

This homework is due back in school on Friday 22nd May.

    English Homework   

The children have a reading comprehension task for homework with some writing tasks that are linked to the text. This homework is due back to school on Friday 15th May.

   Maths Homework   

This weeks maths homework is due back in school on Friday 8th May. Hexagon and Octagon groups had an extra challenging activity so do not worry if you are finding this difficult. Just return questions you are able to do and we will go through the others at school.

    English Homework    

The children have been given a comprehension to work on for homework this week.

There is also a writing activity:

Gold and Purple tables - To write a story or poem about 'The bottom of the stairs'.

Orange, Green and Blue tables - To write a real or imaginary account of your very own 'best birthday ever'.

This homework is due back in school by Friday 1st May.

    Easter Holiday home learning project    

Below is a link to a downloadable copy of the children's Easter holiday homework.

      This homework is due back into school by Monday 20th April   

Singing Homework

This week the children have brought home lyrics to the songs that they will be singing in our production of 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies'. Their homework is to learn these song words.

    Home Learning Project     

This home learning project is due back in school by Friday 27th February.

Details of the tasks were given to children on Wednesday and can also be downloaded from below. In addition there are some  ideas and  links to resources to help the children complete the tasks.

We are really looking forward to seeing the finished tasks. Have fun.

    Handwriting Homework   

This week the children are combining their grammar and handwriting in their homework.  The children will copy the sentences and then underline the adverbs in each one. This homework is due back in school on Friday 6th February. A copy of the homework can be downloaded below.

  Maths Homework   

This week the children have been learning how addition and subtraction are inverses of each other. They have carried out calculations and then shown  how they can check their answers using the inverse operation. This weeks homework involves missing numbers in calculations. The children can find these numbers using addition and subtraction operations.

This homework is due back in school in the children's homework folders by Friday 30th January.

   Handwriting Homework  

Handwriting homework this week is the letter 'h'. This homework is due back to school on Friday 23rd January. A copy of the handwriting sheet is available below.

  Maths Homework  

In maths this week we have been learning about fractions. This weeks homework is due back to school on Friday 16th January.

   Maths Homework    

This week in maths we have been learning about time. The children have brought home their maths homework, in their folders, based on time. This homework is due back in school on Friday 19th December. There will be no further homework given to the children until their return in January.

   Handwriting homework  

Due back to school Friday 12th December


In class 3 we aim that all children will develop a good handwriting style; which means;

  • They can produce and maintain a good speed
  • Have a fluid hand movement that is comfortable
  • Letters are of a consistent and appropriate size, positioned correctly
  • Handwriting is legible (so others can read it easily).


We are continuing to  practise holding our pencils with a good grip. The video below shows you how the children have been taught to hold their pencils.

Copy of Handwriting homework can be downloaded below.

   Maths homework    

Maths homework this week is for the children to be able to write different numbers in words.

This homework is due back to school on Friday 5th December.

The children have also brought their new homework folders home. These folders need to be in school every Friday for the new homework to be filed into them. Please could you cover these folders in wallpaper / wrapping paper or sticky back plastic to protect them when in the children's bags. Thank you.


Big Write Homework

There will be no handwriting homework this week. The children have been asked to design and create  their own Minion who will be one of the characters in their Big Write story on Friday 28th November. Details of the Talk Homework are available to download below.

Maths Homework   

Maths homework for this week is to carry out column addition.

This homework is due back on Friday 21st November.

Home learning project

The children have received their tasks for their home learning project today. This needs to be returned to school by Friday 14th November. There will be no other maths or handwriting homework sent home until 14th November. A copy of the tasks can be downloaded from below. 

   Handwriting homework  

Due back to school Monday 3rd November


In class 3 we aim that all children will develop a good handwriting style; which means;

  • They can produce and maintain a good speed
  • Have a fluid hand movement that is comfortable
  • Letters are of a consistent and appropriate size, positioned correctly
  • Handwriting is legible (so others can read it easily).


We are continuing to  practise holding our pencils with a good grip. The video below shows you how the children have been taught to hold their pencils.

The children are beginning to learn to join the letters of the alphabet together. Please could the children practise joining on the homework sheet provided. Thank you

  Maths homework - Due back by Friday 17th October  

Following on from our learning this week the children have been given a 'Grid Gremlins' activity to complete  for homework.


  Reading at home  

The children should be reading at home most days. In Year 3 the children will begin to bring home longer books so please write in the children's diary the page that your child has read up to.  This means that we know that your child is reading regularly and that there are not any problems.

Each morning when your child comes to school they have the opportunity to change their reading books and place them in the box for us to record their new book. If there are any messages in the children's diaries please ask your child to show their diary to the teacher.
