

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Keylink Counsellors

Keylink counsellors are a group of 100 qualified, insured and government registered counsellors and psychotherapist practitioners, offering their services free of charge, to frontline and keylink workers who maybe under stress and who may appreciate psychological support, during and associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Everything Keylink are doing is free of charge, there's no money involved and everyone is volunteering. Whilst our offer is available during and beyond the summer holidays, we'd like to make teachers and staff (and keyworker parents) aware of it now, before schools break up at the end of term.


Keylink Counsellors recognise that you may already have psychological services in place, however hope we can support existing provision, if only as an interim resource. Registration, for up to six telephone or video sessions can be done simply here
