

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Thursday Update

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Thank you for your patience and words of support. We are aiming to put as much information and home learning suggestions on the website as we can; the site are upgrading their server capacity to cope with the huge surge of hits. We look forward to the array of brilliance your children will share to the bespoke email account shared in a letter today.

I have yet no further guidance regarding key worker status- other than the initial announcement of emergency services, NHS and delivery drivers. We have contacted all those families with other specified status and have clarity already on the number of likely attendees. Once the Government announce a full Key worker list and relative criteria you will receive a notification to complete a google form. Please only respond if you fit the Key Worker list.

Boris is suggesting a twelve week battle, if we all adhere to the rules.

I believe we can.

Best wishes

Kath Sansom

