

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

The Brilliance is shining.....

Hi Everyone,

Well, we are all starting to settle into this new way of life and the shops seem to be calmer with more available on the shelves. We are certainly working on one day at a time.

We have been inundated with fantastic examples of the things you are doing at home. Keep them coming!

Please do email if we can help with anything- admin for general support and the home learning email for anything else.

We will be making contact by telephone with certain families each week to touch base- this could show as a withheld number. Those who are entitled to FSM will receive their vouchers shortly, as they have been posted; they will be sent fortnightly.

How are you finding the Joe Wicks? Let us know if you find any resources not already shown on our list for families to access online.

Best wishes

Kath Sansom

Executive Headteacher
